Posted by : Nov
Monday, 6 June 2016
Hey guys, Kuromi here. Before we move on to the news of the day, I would like to first off apologize for being under hiatus over the past days/week. There's a big harvest celebration (and harvesting, of course) and I found myself no time to update the blog. I also should've updated last weekend but then another bad thing had befallen me. I fell ill. Yeap, that's right, Kuromi's a human being, too. I hope you guys forgive me on the delay and I really appreciate your continuous support for reading my articles in this blog.
Well then, shall we move on to the news?
If you guys went to their main website, Dreamcreation had finally announced the second season of Okusama ga Seito Kaichou. That's right folks, it's time for oppai feast during the Fall season. Though, it might get listed into the Winter 2016's anime. But nevertheless, all we want are those conveniently added titties.
Further news will be announced in the future. I know it's short, but that's all for now. As always, keep on reading.