Posted by : Kuromi
Friday, 24 February 2017
Alright, guys. It's time for a wake up call. Especially to my homeboys and girls from my place, Malaysia. Cause' I am mother, effin, pissed off right now. To my surprise, this isn't the only "fans crossing the line" news I've got. So I'll be talking about the other one first.
~Hyuuga Hinata Threatened~
So before I get to the most infuriating news, there's another, a bit less, infuriating one. That's right ladytakus and gentleweebs, our favourite seiyuu (voice actor/actress) for Hyuuga Hinata from Naruto, Mizuki Nana had been threatened to be killed.
The man that sent the threat message was a 32-year-old man named Fukushima Akihiro. He claimed that he sent it in spite for his e-mail not replied by Nana. Dude, you didn't have to send a death threat for that, lady's busy with her concert tour right now. She's not that wild like Saya (from Blood-C) she voiced from that she can protect herself.
This news is indeed shocking, but it wasn't just the first time and it's not just on Nana. Over obsessed fans have been a bother to celebrities in Japan since time remembers which brings us to the next topic.
~Obsession and Purity~
If you had been in the otaku community for quite some time now, you'll probably noticed how weird or bizarre are the norms of the members in the community. They might be a minority, but the over obsessed fans had been making troubles and worries for a long time now. Obsessing over 2D fictional characters might be fine, but the idols and voice actors/actresses? They even called these celebrities as 2.5D. What are they, properties?
To the people outside the community or outside of Japan and didn't understand their culture, it will seemed as abusive, wrong, weird or whatever you might call it. But over there, it is already normal. Japan is a land of purity, so anything that they idolize they deemed as "pure".
They were past cases such as of Toyosaki Aki (known for her role as Hirasawa Yui from K-On!). There were once an obsessed fan "stalks" her to her home and found out that she was living with her boyfriend. This, of course, tore the "pure" image of her and the news spread over social medias (oh 2ch, what would we do without you). Subsequently, obsessed fans then posted pictures with knives over her picture, threatening her for "betraying their dreams".
This, of course, breaks her heart. However, there's not much could be done, except adding more securities 24/7.
So this might seemed crossing the line for those outside the community or those whom unable to comprehend these, but it has been a long case, long enough it's been considered as a normal occurrence. Though, the agencies for the said talents are still on high alert and provided extra care for them. I will discuss this on another article, but for now it's time to move on to the most infuriating news I heard today.
~Uncontrolled Excitement or Just Plain Foul Play?~
Dear fellow ladytakus and gentleweebs, I'm sure if you see the above image, you know your shit to not record anything. However, some of my homeboys in Malaysia, can't read. I'm just kidding, they can read, but they won't understand. And I said WON'T.
Sword Art Online: Ordinal Scale had been released in my country, since my hometown doesn't have Golden Screen Cinemas (GSC) cinema, I can't watch that sh*t so I can't humiliate more SAO fans out there (I'm just joking... am I?). So, those that do have GSC in their local area, they are the lucky (or should I say unlucky) bastards can watch the premiere.
Since Malaysia had been known for it's reputation for producing "pirated" products, it's only a matter of time before somebody gonna make a camrip of the movie. Well good news everyone, it doesn't even take one day and it's already on the net. That's right, that's just how dedicated the pirates in Malaysia.
But before I continue, I guess it's safe to say that it's not really a full piracy, cause' the recorded material last around 8-10 minutes only. At least that could still help in their case for justifying their actions. However, the producers and the studio (A-1 Pictures) weren't amused by this.
Ding dong! It's the mail, Malaysia might be blacklisted from anime movies in the future!
Well done, guys.
ODEX Private Limited, the one who's been distributing anime movies like Boruto and One Piece around Southeast Asia had been warned and might not get future licences for future anime movies. They are pleading to you, dear ladytakus and gentleweebs, to stop recording sh*ts in the cinema. Here's the link to the full news.
I know you ladytakus and gentleweebs were very excited about the movie, but could you at least enjoy it to yourself without troubling others? We are already lucky enough to be able to see it earlier than most other places (Canada's on March 17th? Really?) so be grateful. It is really sad to see how low our respect for the creators of the show. As a creator myself, I feel offended, too.
Excitement is not really a good reason for all these irresponsible acts. If you really love something, you should appreciate it and PROTECT it, not wrecking it. This small infringement might seemed small, but it could cost the producers a lot of losses. Don't forget the other fellow fans, they might not watch it since you already spoiled everything! Not every spoilers can be prevented with a SPOILER WARNING sign.
I guess we can kiss Koe no Katachi goodbye, now. (I'm kidding, GSC will screen them on April 2017. I just hope nobody will do the same sh*t again).
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Even Kirito had enough of your bullshit |
Since Malaysia had been known for it's reputation for producing "pirated" products, it's only a matter of time before somebody gonna make a camrip of the movie. Well good news everyone, it doesn't even take one day and it's already on the net. That's right, that's just how dedicated the pirates in Malaysia.
But before I continue, I guess it's safe to say that it's not really a full piracy, cause' the recorded material last around 8-10 minutes only. At least that could still help in their case for justifying their actions. However, the producers and the studio (A-1 Pictures) weren't amused by this.
Ding dong! It's the mail, Malaysia might be blacklisted from anime movies in the future!
Well done, guys.
ODEX Private Limited, the one who's been distributing anime movies like Boruto and One Piece around Southeast Asia had been warned and might not get future licences for future anime movies. They are pleading to you, dear ladytakus and gentleweebs, to stop recording sh*ts in the cinema. Here's the link to the full news.
I know you ladytakus and gentleweebs were very excited about the movie, but could you at least enjoy it to yourself without troubling others? We are already lucky enough to be able to see it earlier than most other places (Canada's on March 17th? Really?) so be grateful. It is really sad to see how low our respect for the creators of the show. As a creator myself, I feel offended, too.
Excitement is not really a good reason for all these irresponsible acts. If you really love something, you should appreciate it and PROTECT it, not wrecking it. This small infringement might seemed small, but it could cost the producers a lot of losses. Don't forget the other fellow fans, they might not watch it since you already spoiled everything! Not every spoilers can be prevented with a SPOILER WARNING sign.
I guess we can kiss Koe no Katachi goodbye, now. (I'm kidding, GSC will screen them on April 2017. I just hope nobody will do the same sh*t again).
~Final Summation~
So we see that sometimes fans can cross the line. And these can cause a lot of trouble to not just the creators or celebrities, but also to fellow fans. Celebrities are humans, too. They have sacrificed a lot (like their normal life, for example) so you fans can enjoy what they do or make. Studios of movies and anime also had given tons of effort to produce the shows you all love, all you have to do is support them by consuming their product without killing them like infringements above. The amount of damages from such small actions might be colossal if not handled.
So I plead to you ladytakus and gentleweebs, especially my homeboys in Malaysia, please be more respectful and responsible. We have such a reputation BECAUSE of these cases. It is up to us to change all this. Help us to make Malaysia a great place for otakus and weeaboos alike (and for other things and groups of people too, of course). Pointing fingers won't solve anything, do the right thing yourselves. You KNOW what's right and wrong.
I guess that's all I've got to say for now. I hope you guys learnt some lessons today. Leave your thoughts in the comments below and follow my blog for more otaku related news and discussions. I hope to see you guys again soon. As always, keep on reading!