Posted by : Kuromi
Tuesday, 24 May 2016
Hey you, yes you. Are you an otaku? Don't know? Well look no further cause' today we're going to discuss on how can you identify yourself or others as an otaku.
Hi guys, Kuromi here. We're going to discuss a topic that has been debated for centuries now (nope, I made that up). Since the previous requested article was a success, I'll write another requested article as a thank you to you readers. What's that? My fonts had changed? Screw the details, I'm too lazy to keep changing to Helvetica everytime I write and you know it. Anyways, let's move on to our topic.
What is an 'Otaku'?
So, first thing first, what in the glob is an 'otaku'. Your first thought might went straight to an image of a either fat or super skinny guy, almost 30 year old, wearing huge glasses, waifu shirt and shorts carrying tons of lewd animu posters. Well fellas, you are CORRECT! ... Just kidding. Being an otaku can't be determined by how he/she looks or wear, it is way, waaayyy more than that.
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Fangirl... nuff' said. |
In Japan, the word 'otaku' is to relate a person with his/her most favourite fandom. It doesn't have to be anime/manga fandom. If a person loves, let's say, history, then in Japan, he/she will be called 'rekishi otaku' (歴史オタク, Eng: History Otaku). You're saying that you're a One Direction fangirl and you're not an otaku? You're a friggin' otaku of One Direction! Yeah, take that you normies!
However, in the West (even here in Malaysia, my place), once a person hear the word 'otaku', they will instantly relate it to Japanese anime fandom. Worse, they might relate it to stuffs like hentai. (We'll discuss this on another post). Stereotyping much?
All in all, it's up to you on what really defines 'otaku'. To me, I consider the original definition which is from Japan. But when I converse with my readers, I'll go with the Western view (or any Eastern countries outside Japan) as most of my readers, you guys, had that mind set with relating anime/manga fandom with the term 'otaku'.
Otaku Versus Weeabo
Now this will be an interesting topic to talk about. But I'm not that brave enough to talk much cause' I'm afraid there will be weeaboos out there, reading this blog post, and commenting with full on Capslock on what might be discussed here.
I'm not trying to flame any side but it had been spoken and I'll say it again. Weeaboos are almost like otaku, but their love (or obsession) for the sub-culture is way deeper and sometimes, just sometimes, twisted. I won't judge anybody here, I mean me myself is a sucker for Shin Megami Tensei related stuffs (proud to be SMT 'weeaboo') and PokeMon. Ah, childhood. You can listen more about this from my buddy Papa Frank on his video here. Now let's move on before they pound on their keyboards in the comments section.
Are YOU an Otaku?
Now we arrived to the part we had been waiting for. It's time to see which faction do you belong to, perhaps the Dauntless? Amity? Abnegation? Nevermind the Divergent reference, let's move on.
Yes I put this on purpose, at least, to those who understand.
So how did we know if we, or someone else, are otakus? There is a theory that goes like, if you watch this much of anime or read this much of manga, you're an otaku. Now I'm going to say it straight to your face. IT. DOESN'T. WORK. THAT. WAY.
Being an otaku doesn't require much 'dedication' to be one. Otakus aren't a secret society like Freemasons and such (but we do have signs, symbols and secret messages that can only be understood by fellow otakus like the above test). Once you have an interest in anime, manga, figure or any of those stuff, you're already an otaku. It would be much more concrete if that interest of yours becomes a fandom. Just don't get into it TOO MUCH until it becomes an obsession. Then you're just another weeaboo.
So, are YOU an otaku? It's up to you yourself to consider what to call yourself. Be it a fanboy/fangirl, a geek or whatever, it's all you. Don't let any other people determine who you are. Like Jesus had said, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing. (I can't believe I quoted Jesus in an article like this, lol).
Leave your thoughts in the comment section below. I'm Kuromi signing out, and as always, keep on reading. See ya'!